Lancashire 2050 - A strategic framework for Lancashire

Transport and infrastructure

We will be better-connected and accessible, with infrastructure that links opportunities to need, and travel choices that are safe, inclusive, affordable and low carbon.


  • To connect the economic clusters and sectors of Lancashire and tackle isolation
  • To take a place-focused approach to transport and infrastructure, which ensures that provision is designed to allow places to flourish
  • To reduce the need to travel by providing fast reliable access to digital technology
  • To reduce the need to travel by providing fast reliable access to digital technology
  • To reduce carbon emissions in support of a net zero county

What this will mean for our residents

Residents and communities will be better connected to opportunities and experiences, including employment, leisure and services.

There will be less reliance on carbon-based modes of transport, with significant reductions in carbon and other vehicle emissions.

Infrastructure and employment sites will support a low-carbon and a modern and forward-looking economy.